Thursday, September 26, 2019

Reasons to Consider When Upgrading to VPS Hosting

In VPS hosting, many users have been using the same server, still remain isolated from each other. Thus, no one in the server is going to get affected by the number of resources being used by other users present on the server. A single user gains the desired level of benefits such as speed and security without any compromise. This gives the user the benefits of a private server at a shared cost of services.
So, following are 5 reasons you need to consider when upgrading to VPS Hosting

1. Speed:

Whenever new content is added on a website, the speed of your website is most likely to decline. This is true for websites that have a large number of database-intensive operations. If your website takes longer process times, then the time has come has when you need to go for a VPS hosting. Also, a major portion of websites are going to see increased traffic on their websites.
The popular sites have higher traffic sites and this can be advantageous to you. But with your existing plans in place, you can’t manage high volume on your site. Thus, upgrading your existing plan to a VPS can be the best thing for your website.

2. Enhanced Security:

There can be times when your website needs to have increased security in order to benefit your users. For example, if you are running an e-commerce site, then you need enhanced security for processing or storing the personal and financial information of your users.
As VPS hosting accounts are isolated, the data stored as well as your processes are much safer than any other shared hosting service. VPS hosting also allows you to install the additional firewalls for laying down better security rules and regulations.

3. Better Reliability:

Due to its nature, VPS hosting is more robust and its environments are configured in a way that in case of a fault in the VPS account, the management software can reallocate your website into another instance and its rebuilding does happen in a quick time. In the case of a VPS hosting, there might be a slight downtime, but not as worse as in the case of a shared hosting account.

4. No Resource Sharing:

In the case of shared hosting, you are forced to share your server resources with a number of websites. If these websites are dominating all these resources due to heavy traffic or load on them, then the hosting server can end up with a crunch and this may directly have an impact on your website’s availability and business. However, when you’re using a VPS, it ensures that there is no direct impact on your site, as you are not going to share the server resources directly with other websites present on the server.

5. For e-commerce Sites:

VPS hosting offers many options that are well suited in case you have an e-commerce site. This is because e-commerce sites receive a high volume of traffic and are very much in-demand. As discussed previously, VPS hosting offers more security that might be needed when the user makes payments on your e-commerce site.


Thus, if you’re looking to make money out of your website, then VPS hosting can be the best possible upgrade solution for as it gives you a great degree of control, freedom, and flexibility for your website.
 If you’re looking to upgrade your site to VPS hosting with the above-stated added benefits, then Windows VPS hosting offered by bodHOST is the one-stop destination for your hosting needs.
Source-  bodHOST

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Importance of Hiring a Fully Managed Web Hosting Services

The beginners with web hosting business are often very confident about handling the complete system on their own. The reality sets in when they dig in deep and encounter a lot of paradigms, which they weren’t ready for. Business starters initially think that hiring for a fully managed web hosting service provider will cost a lot, and it won’t sit in their budget. Later most of them become an easy target for the cybercrime, and then they realize the importance of hiring a fully managed hosting service provider.
Cybersecurity Ventures forecasts that the world will have to pay $6 trillion annually till 2021 for cybercrime damages. This number is so high that it outcasts the payable damage that might occur by any natural disaster in a year and that’s not enough; it is more profitable to the bad guys than all the illegal trade of major drugs combined globally!!!!!!!

Digital ad fraud is pretty much evident and prevalent today. According to a report, advertisers lost approx. $19 billion due to several digital frauds. So, this rounds up to $51 million a day! This figure, considering the number of ads on internet-connected devices, can reach up to $44 billion at the end of 2022.
Considering the above-stated facts, you shouldn’t be compromising on having a dedicated managed hosting service. However, many businesses realize the vitality of having an expert service. Check the below graph showing the global market size of managed hosting service users from 2011 to 2019.
Managed Hosting Market Size
Now, that you know the wide-spreading adoption of fully managed dedicated server hosting services, let us take a look at its benefits –

Advantages of Fully Managed Hosting Service –

Listing out the top 6 benefits of fully managed hosting services, which you should consider instead of a self-managed approach.
  1. Lower Operational Prices
  2. Limited Staff Requirement
  3. Expertise Way of Handling Tasks with Assured Security
  4. Constant Server Monitoring
  5. 24 X 7 X 365 Support
  6. Secure Backups

Lower Operational Prices

Generally, loads of hidden prices you pay for unmanaged hosting services. To manage your servers, you need to hire system admins, database admins, and other support staff.
But, if you choose a managed hosting service provider, then you save up on these expenses. Hiring a trustworthy hosting service provider will result in cost-saving that you can use in CRM and other operations/services.

Limited Staff Requirement

Hiring and training the staff is a tedious process and expensive too. But, if you have a fully managed professional team, then you would not need to bear these extra expenses. The hosting service provider’s expert team will be there to take care of the crucial IP infrastructure and applications. You will get a 24 X 7 X 365 technical support from the team of your managed hosting provider.
Whatever the issue may arise, the team will always be there to solve you without affecting your business traffic. This will lead to more savings – of resources, money, and of course, time.

Expertise Way of Handling Tasks with Assured Security

When you hire expert service providers of managed web hosting, then they take care of the security and integrity of your data. Resultantly, you can focus on your business goals and its core competencies. Securing your website and your customers’ data must be a top priority, and so, you must appoint the expert to take care of the same. For ensuring security, a managed hosting provider should do the following things –
  • Firewall Configuration
  • Updating OS & Software
  • Scanning Virus
  • Filtering Spams
  • Running Security Audits
With such services, you get guaranteed security and peace of mind as you get to know that your data is safe. Your hosting service provider is going to detect the vulnerabilities and threats before they attack your server.

Constant Server Monitoring

Your server needs to be monitored 24 X 7 X 365 to ensure that there is nothing wrong and to predict the future threat possibilities and vulnerabilities. The managed hosting service provider ought to take care of your business continuity and productivity.
But, if you decide to choose an unmanaged hosting service, then you will have to hire a dedicated team for administrating and monitoring your servers. So, you get it that this step will add to your operational costs.

24 X 7 X 365 Support

Having constant support and monitoring team for your business is essential, and a right web hosting service provider will offer you 24 X 7 X 365 technical and customer support. There can be different methods to reach out to the service providers – support tickets, a phone call, or live chat; whichever is suitable for you. The managed hosting company’s support staff is adequately trained to resolve issues and prevent multiple problems before they get bigger. Having this benefit helps in reducing your load.

Secure Backups

If you have hired a right managed to host service provider, then you needn’t worry about the loss of your vital data. The complete data is automatically and securely backed up as a dependable, managed hosting service provider will have DR plans ready. You can plot your disaster recovery plan by discussing and taking the bits of advice of your web hosting service provider.
On the contrary, if you decide to go with the unmanaged approach, taking and maintaining backups is not possible, and this will result in data loss. It is not possible to manage all the tasks related to your server.

So, considering all the above points, it is better to hire a fully managed web hosting service provider to do a great secure and stable business. This, in turn, increases your brand reputation as your website/application is, and it takes care of the customer’s data.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced web hosting service provider, then bodHOST is here to help you. 
Reference- bodHOST blog

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Importance of cPanel – WHM for VPS

Linux VPS hosting is the obvious way forward for website owners who have outgrown their shared hosting. It is ideal for larger websites, running business applications, hosting multiple sites and even for smaller scale resellers – and it is far more affordable than a dedicated server. One thing you will need to consider, however, is your choice of control panel and in this post, we’ll explain why cPanel with WHM is ideal for Linux VPS.


Why do you need a control panel?
You don’t actually need a control panel to administer your website or your VPS web server as all your admin tasks can be undertaken using a CMD command interface, scripts and SSH client connection tools, like PuTTY. However, most website owners don’t have the technical skills to do this and even those that do find that a control panel makes tasks easier and quicker to perform. For resellers, most of your clients will need a control panel of some kind.

Why cPanel?

One of the benefits of cPanel is that it is well established as the leading Linux control panel on the market and is used by many large organisations and major web hosting companies. This popularity tells you something about its reputation for quality and reliability – if it wasn’t so good, people wouldn’t use it.
And with so many users, there is also a great deal of online help to be found to assist you in carrying out any tasks, which is useful if you struggle with some of the more technical aspects of managing your website or server. Though if you are a WHUK customer, all our technical support team have completed official ‘cPanel University’ training, so help is available by online chat, telephone or email whenever you need it.

Why cPanel with WHM?

While cPanel is essentially a control panel used to manage individual websites, those who opt for Linux VPS hosting also get its sister software, WHM (Web Host Manager). This operates at a higher level and brings the speed and simplicity of cPanel to the actual management of your VPS server and, if you have one, your reseller environment. Essentially, WHM enables users to configure their server and, if needed, manage their multi-client hosting accounts.
cPanel and WHM make things easy by providing a user-friendly, intuitively designed, graphical interface that enables you to carry out a broad range of tasks.

Key features of WHM

One of the main features of WHM is that it enables a VPS to be configured in the same way as a dedicated server, for example, letting you set the server hostname, configure the mail server, and assign nameservers and IP addresses.
You can also use WHM to set up your own reseller hosting packages. You can create customer hosting accounts, assign the features you want to provide to your clients, and set limits for bandwidth usage and storage, just like any web host does on a shared hosting server. If your VPS server is big enough, you can even create and sell your own reseller packages.

Key features of cPanel

If you are upgrading from shared hosting to VPS, there’s more than a good chance that you are already familiar with the cPanel interface. However, as a control panel, it’s good to know that its programmers are constantly working to develop the software: improving the interface, updating existing features and adding new ones. You’ll also find there are regular updates to fix bugs and strengthen security. For those with VPS hosting accounts, updates to cPanel-WHM will be taken care of by your web host on your behalf.
When it comes to features of cPanel, you are spoiled for choice. It offers a highly comprehensive suite of tools for managing every aspect of your website.  Its main features are:
  • Domain management: set up subdomains, parked domains, addon domains, and redirects.
  • Security: configure password-protected directories, SSL/TLS, IP address blocks, set up access restrictions and protect the site with features such as ModSecurity.
  • File management: monitor storage usage and edit and backup files and folders.
  • Logs: monitor your website performance and even get analytics data.
  • Mail management: create mail accounts, autoresponders and forwarders, set up mailing lists, email authentication and filter spam.
  • Database: use databases such as MySQL to restrict access and manage data storage.

Additional apps

Another advantage of being the leading control panel is that third-party developers see cPanel as a great tool to build add-ons for. For this reason, you’ll find a multitude of useful apps offering all kinds of additional features.

cPanel benefits for resellers

If you are a reseller, you’ll want your clients to have the best possible control panel to use on their websites. Using cPanel – WHM means cPanel’s features will be there for them to use. The additional benefit that this brings is that, as it is so easy to use and navigate, your clients are not going to need your own technical support as much they would do with other control panels.

Related article - VPS Hosting is Best for Growing Websites

As you can see, when it comes to Linux VPS hosting, cPanel – WHM offers users a wide range of benefits: comprehensive server and website management and a huge range of tools and features, all provided in a user-friendly interface. And with constant upgrades and reseller-friendly features too, you can see why it’s the number one choice.
If you are looking for VPS hosting with cPanel – WHM, check out the great VPS hosting services.

Source -

Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Buyer’s Guide for cPanel Web Hosting

There’s a lot of technical jargon used in website hosting and for beginners, it can be a little confusing. One term that many people come across when looking for basic, shared hosting solutions is cPanel hosting. In this post, we’ll explain what cPanel hosting is as well as giving an overview of its features and benefits.

What is cPanel hosting?

In a nutshell, cPanel web hosting is shared hosting that comes with the use of a particular brand of control panel, called cPanel.
Shared hosting is the most common form of hosting and is aimed primarily at those with small websites and low volumes of traffic. The term ‘shared’ relates to the fact that the user leases space on a server, along with other users. While each user has their own, dedicated section of the hard drive to store their files, they share the server’s CPU and RAM resources with all the other users.
In order to manage your hosting account and your website, web hosts provide users with a control panel. This enables you to undertake a range of different administrative tasks and provides you with the tools to carry them out. This lets you add new email addresses, install software, create additional websites and a wide range of other, helpful things. cPanel is a specific type of control panel.

Why use cPanel?

There are lots of different control panels in use, many of them created by web hosts for their own customers. Not all of them, however, offer the same features and nor are they all so easy to use. For beginners who have little experience in administering a website, being able to navigate easily around a control panel simplifies what can seem a complex and overwhelming process. At the same time, having a control panel with fewer features limits the potential of users to manage their hosting in the way that they need.
The advantage for cPanel users is that it is the global leader. Its easy to use dashboard and comprehensive suite of tools make managing your website very easy. What’s more, as the leading brand, it is continually being developed, adding new features that enable you to do even more, while keeping abreast with developments in website technology. Web hosts that produce their own-brand control panels simply don’t have the in-house capacity to make improvements of the same quality or at the same pace.
There is also a big gap when it comes to technical support. cPanel’s wide adoption means that there are lots of online tutorials and how-to posts available to help you with any technical matters you may need to address. Indeed, cPanel even has its own courses that web host employees can take so they can offer customers specialised, technical support – something many members of the WHUK support team are already certified to do.

Features and benefits of cPanel

One of the key features of cPanel is its ease of use. Users are provided with a screen divided into sections, each one of which relates to a different area of website management. Inside each section, you’ll find icons for tools which can help you carry out a wide range of tasks.

Default images

The different sections include: files, databases, domains, email, metrics (visitor stats, etc.), security, software, advanced, preferences and applications. These can be found simply by scrolling down or if you’re are looking for a particular tool, you can find it by using the search bar at the top. 
The other advantage of cPanel is its incredibly wide range of tools and the things these enable you to do. It’s impossible in a regular blog post to give a comprehensive overview of all the tools available, however, some of the highlights include:
  • Scheduling website backups
  • Restoring files and directories from a backup – essential if you ever get hacked
  • Creating and managing other users of your website
  • One-click installation of applications like WordPress.
  • Installing SSL certificates to encrypt credit card data – you’ll need SSL to sell products from your site
  • Set up and manage email accounts, mailing lists, autoresponders and email filters
  • Add new websites and publish them to the internet
  • Create and manage databases (needed for most CRM sites, such as those built with WordPress)  
  • Secure your site against hackers and malware infection
  • Find important metrics, such as the number of visitors or bandwidth usage
    Even the tools are designed for simplicity and ease of use. Here’s how simple it is to create a new email address for your organisation:

Default images


Hopefully, from reading this post, you now have a better understanding of what cPanel hosting is and how it differs from standard shared hosting. You should also be aware of why cPanel is such a user-friendly control panel and the comprehensive range of tools it provides.
If you are looking for shared cPanel hosting, check out our high-performance, cloud based cPanel web hosting packages.

Source -  Web Hosting UK 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

VPS Hosting is Best for Growing Websites

Congratulations! The good news is that your website has become really successful. You’re getting thousands of visitors a day and your sales have steadily increased. As a result, you’ve got plans to extend your site, add new features and launch a new marketing campaign to bring in even more traffic. But there’s a problem, your shared hosting package isn’t up to the task. It’s struggling to cope with current demands; adding new apps and increasing traffic requires an upgrade.
What’s the solution? A few years ago, the only option would have been a dedicated server, but these are a big leap forward. It would be like a corner shop moving into a space the size of Sainsbury’s. You’d be paying for far more capacity and computing resources than you would need.
Today, luckily, there’s a bridging point between shared and dedicated hosting, called VPS (virtual private server), which is a kind of hybrid of both. In this post, we’ll explain why VPS hosting is the ideal solution for websites that have outgrown their shared hosting.

What is a VPS?

A VPS is a virtual private server, one of several which are created on a single physical server. It’s a little like shared hosting because you only rent part of the physical server for yourself, and this keeps the cost very low. However, the amount of space and computing resources you get with VPS is significantly more than with shared hosting.

The other big difference with shared hosting is that each VPS is completely independent of the other accounts on the physical server. Each has their own operating system and this gives users the freedom to run any compatible apps they choose. It also means that performance is not affected by the activities of other users sharing the physical server. In this sense, a VPS works like a mini dedicated server. Here are our reasons why they are the ideal solution for growing websites.

1. Cost-effective growth

As a growing business, you need to make sure that your IT spend is cost effective. VPS provides a midway solution between shared and dedicated hosting, both in terms of capacity and expense. If you were moving a sofa and couldn’t fit it into your small van, you wouldn’t hire an articulated lorry for the job, you’d go for something more suitable. This is what VPS offers.

2. Freedom to run the apps you want

VPS gives you complete control over your computing environment. As its completely independent of the other VPS sharing the physical server and has its own operating system, you can run any apps you want, provided they are compatible with your operating system. That said, you can also choose which operating system you want to run, e.g. Linux or Windows.
You can also configure your server to suit your website’s needs without being restricted by your web host. With shared hosting, there is one configuration for every user and this is set by the host.

3. High availability servers that don’t go down

Although they are hosted on a physical server, the actual VPS itself is virtual. This means it has no physical components of its own. If the physical server it is hosted on goes down, the VPS, which is backed up as a server image, can be instantaneously be rebooted on another physical server, meaning your applications stay online. This is ideal for businesses with critical applications which need to be online 24/7.

4. No more neighbour drain

A big issue for those on shared hosting is that heavy performance by one website can slow down the performance of all the others. If one user runs a resource intensive application or has lots of traffic, there are fewer resources for everyone else to use. This can mean slow loading websites or some applications stalling.
With VPS, although the physical server is still shared, each individual VPS is allocated dedicated resources that can’t be drained by their neighbour’s activities. Bandwidth, CPU, memory and storage capacity are guaranteed.

5. Tighter security

VPS is substantially more secure than shared hosting, so growing businesses can be confident that their website and data are much less likely to get hacked or infected. The main reason for this is that, as a single entity, the apps and data stored on the VPS are completely separate from those of other users. If another VPS user gets a malware infection, it’s impossible for it to spread to yours. Similarly, hackers cannot use a backdoor from one client’s files to another’s.
As a managed service, you’ll also find that your host provides a range of security measures, including OS updates and patching, firewalls, intrusion monitoring and remote backups.

6. Easy hosting upgrades

One of the best features of VPS is that it is really simple to upgrade to a bigger package as your business continues to grow. There is a range of hosting packages to choose from, each offering more processing power, storage capacity and memory. What’s more, you are also free to downsize if your existing package is too big. In this sense, VPS is one of the most scalable hosting options available.

7. You can use multiple VPS

As a low-cost alternative to a dedicated server, VPS enable growing businesses to use multiple VPS to run different applications. So, for example, if you want to run a completely separate development server, or have two VPS with different configurations for different applications, it is possible to do so. You can run your website from one and your operational apps from another. Doing this using multiple dedicated servers would be far more expensive, especially if done in-house.

8. Hardware taken care of

For optimum performance, growing businesses need their websites to run on the best hardware. This ensures that website loading speed is super-fast and that, no matter how demanding your apps, your server performs flawlessly and without problems.
As part of the managed service provided for VPS users, not only is your software taken care of but the hardware too. Servers are constantly upgraded, monitored for performance and maintained, helping you stay ahead of the competition.


For growing websites looking beyond shared hosting, VPS hosting UK offers high performance at affordable costs. You get all the power of a mini dedicated server with the mini cost to boot. It provides far more storage, memory, and processing power than shared hosting, is more secure, easier to upgrade and is managed for you.
If you are thinking about VPS for your growing website, take a look at WHUK’s range of Linux VPS and Windows VPS Hosting packages.


Artificial Intelligence Benefits Web Hosting

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction, it’s a real part of our everyday lives. Over the last few years, it’s been adopted across an increasing spectrum of sectors: healthcare, education, security, retail and even HR. It’s also become an important tool in web hosting. In this post, we’ll show you four ways that AI can benefit your website and hosting service.

1. Improved security

Artificial intelligence, however, is turning out to be an important tool in helping web hosts respond to cyber threats. The advanced firewall technology they use to protect their clients is able to detect encoded threats and attack patterns as they develop. And with machine learning, every time it faces a new threat, it can incorporate what it has learnt to improve its defences even more and predict future attacks at the earliest possible time. When this happens, it can put effective measures in place and send alerts to both the web hosting team and their clients.

2. Domain name protection

Domain names are essential to the success of your brand so it is important that any you own are protected and that any others, which could be associated with your company, are not being used in inappropriate or illegal ways.
Whilst there are plenty of domain name checkers you can use to see if a domain is available to purchase, many of these don’t provide 100% accuracy and this has led, in the past, to registration errors.

 Artificial Intelligence, however, provides another layer of protection. It can be used to track any attempts by others to buy or register a domain that is similar to your own or to use it through a proxy server. This enables you to have constant warnings if rogue traders set up a site selling counterfeit goods or if scammers are cloning your site as a way to defraud individuals out of their money. In this way, it helps protect your business and your online reputation.

3. Improve domain performance

AI works by understanding patterns in data and coded environments. It analyses them and learns through adding new patterns to its memory. As it learns,  Artificial Intelligence is able to make predictions and this is one of its key uses within industry.
For those with online businesses, AI can use its predictive intelligence to forecast how well domain names and individual URLs will perform over time. This is done through the analyses of existing web data. This means companies can use AI to research the ideal domain name and extension for their business and get predictions of how well their website might perform in terms of traffic and conversion rates.
Whilst a website’s performance is based on a whole range of factors, such as the nature and the quality of its content, how well it is optimised, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, etc., companies that have several potential domain names in mind can use this information to help them choose the one which is likely to have the biggest appeal to the market they are targeting.

4. Self-repairing systems

The maintenance of any digital platform, whether it’s a website or an entire suite of business-critical applications, requires significant input. Today,  Artificial Intelligence is already at the stage where it can help your IT staff undertake those tasks in more effective and efficient ways.
One example of this is self-repair or self-healing. Hosts that use self-healing artificial intelligence, use it to scan systems, diagnose potential issues and then undertake preventive measures before problems materialise. If, for example, defective hardware is found, a self-healing system can transfer systems running on that hardware to failover servers before the server crashes and thus maintain uptime. Similarly, it can install updates or change settings. In the case of major issues, AI will alert your web host’s IT team to the problem so that human intervention can take place.
Besides providing a more robust service,  Artificial Intelligence also reduces the maintenance burden on your web host, giving them extra time to improve the performance of your server and giving clients better technical support.
In the future, a combination of robotics and AI could lead to all hardware and system maintenance being carried by machines, with only the minimum of human input. If robots can already build cars, it may only be a matter of time.


Artificial intelligence is likely to be a permanent feature of our lives. It has enormous potential in all kinds of areas and those businesses that do not make use of it are likely to be at a big disadvantage. In web hosting, it provides us with better security, advantageous domain names, and automated maintenance and repair of the systems on which our websites run.
If you are looking for highly secure, state of the art web hosting that takes advantage of self-healing, check out our homepage to see our wide range of web hosting services.